5 Ways To Boost Your Self-Motivation

3 min readJan 24, 2022


When you are ready to give up on something or feel helpless, the only person who can help you is you. No one else can work for your life.

Self-motivation is the most beneficial type of assistance you can provide for yourself. It is an important aspect of your personality to develop a positive outlook, overcome challenges in life and accept failures and rejections. However, not everyone is capable of remaining motivated at all times.

If you’re feeling down and uninspired, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to do anything productive. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to sit around and feel bad about yourself. Instead, there are many things you can do to get yourself out of a low motivation funk and into the driver’s seat of your own life. Here are five ways to get motivated when you’re feeling low in self-motivation.

1) Understand the reason

The reason behind low self-motivation is usually some form of discomfort. At times, that discomfort may be physical, mental, or emotional. If you want to get motivated again, it’s crucial that you first identify and understand what is making you feel uncomfortable. Perhaps you’re unhappy with your job situation; maybe there are changes in your personal life that make it difficult for you to stay motivated during work hours.

2) Change your goals

Rather than thinking, I’m lazy and unmotivated, try examining your goals. What are you trying to achieve? What’s standing in your way? By recognizing your goals and working through whatever issues are keeping you from being motivated, you can overcome low self-motivation. Think about what makes you tick — why do you love what you do?

3) Do not compare yourself with others

Whenever you’re feeling low, it’s easy to compare yourself with others — and find yourself lacking. But when you do that, you don’t just lower your self-esteem: in a very real way, comparing yourself with others can kill your motivation.

4) Make a plan for everyday

The less you plan for your day ahead, the easier it is to become overwhelmed by what’s on your plate. If you wake up and know exactly what’s on your agenda — not just for today but each day of your week — it makes it easier to feel motivated and productive because you have a clearer idea of how much work lies ahead of you.

5) Take action no matter how small it is

There’s no better way to get motivated when you’re feeling low on self-motivation than taking action. Even if it’s just for five minutes, use that time to do something you’ve been putting off — clean your desk, start writing that email, or finally send in your resume. It will get you moving in a more productive direction and give you some momentum for doing even more later on. Make sure your motivation doesn’t fall any further than it already has.




Freelance writer, specializing in content writing and copywriting. { Article writing, blog writing, landing pages, product description}